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  • Phillips Lawyers

Media bid to access Attempted Murder hearing denied

On 20 August 2021, Barrister Patrick McCafferty QC, instructed by Bartley Cohen and representing Channel 10, Channel 7 and the Courier Mail, made an application in the Brisbane Children’s Court to be present during proceedings relating to the attempted murder of former Wallaby Toutai Kefu.

Ngarangi Rangihuna of our office appeared acting on behalf of one of the juvenile's charged in the matter. He opposed the application on instructions from the client, arguing the media’s presence would be prejudicial to his client’s interests. In a hearing that lasted several hours, and after hearing submissions from both Mr McCafferty QC and Mr Rangihuna, the application was refused, and the media were not allowed to be present during proceedings.

This matter is currently before the Brisbane Children’s Court. Further details in relation to this matter can be located on the hyperlink below.

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